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Airports can get ready for the surge in passenger numbers

Hopefully, we’ll all be returning to airports soon but whilst some people love the opportunity they offer, ...

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How Real-Time Passenger Intelligence Can Help Post-Covid

Train services are vital to our public transport infrastructure. As the pandemic has forced passengers away ...

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WiFi in Rail - What's the Value? | WiFi SPARK

When working through budgets or writing business cases for Transportation, services like WiFi may not be a ...

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NRPS in 2019: Have things changed? | WiFi SPARK

It’s been a big few weeks for the rail industry with franchise change announcements and the release of the ...

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6 Crucial Rail Industry Innovation Ideas | WiFi SPARK

In Q4 of 2023, rail passenger journeys saw a 20% increase compared to the same period in 2022, as more people ...

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How Has Rail WiFi Technology Developed? | WiFi SPARK

Recent research found that the average commuting time in the UK has risen from 48 minutes to an hour and that ...

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NRPS in 2018: We've Got the Key Takeaways | WiFi SPARK

50,000 rail passengers are surveyed twice each year to create the National Rail Passenger Survey (NRPS) ...

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The 4 Big Benefits of Real-Time Passenger Information

Train services are vital to our public transport infrastructure. As the number of rail passenger journeys in ...

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Transport Data: What Is Possible with Passenger WiFi?

Transport data collections have been carried out by the transportation sector to measure everything from ...

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